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Writing Prompt 3.15.21

When you close your eyes what do you always daydream about? I daydream about the boys growing up, us playing catch in the front yard, Stacy is sipping coffee on the front porch laughing at us goofing around while playing catch.  Sometimes it’s all of us at the stadium enjoying a day game while the…

Writing Prompt 3.1.21

What one invention do you find completely useless and why? The treadmill. With a notable exception for rehab or physical therapy, the thought of walking inside on a track when the outdoors is literally right outside the door seems at the very least a little bit odd. People pay money and drive to gyms to…

Writing Prompt 2.28.21

What TV show past or present do you wish your life was like? The first show that comes to mind is Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives. I would love to travel across the US and visit restaurants to sample local cuisine. I love the excitement that Guy Fieri brings to the show, and could easily…

Writing Prompt 2.27.21

What song old or new do you think could have been written about you and why? Intents and Purposes by Spraynard So sometimes I write down every goal I haveTo feel a little bit better about how I spend my timeBut that list just keeps getting longerAnd I’ve forgotten how to draw the lines Slow…

Writing Prompt 2.18.21

What is something you’ve always wanted to learn but have been too afraid to try? Surfing. Surfing is one of the most impressive, beautiful sports in the world. Everything about it seems like it would completely take over the soul. The beauty of the surroundings, the ability to harness the power of the ocean for…

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